What is search engine marketing?
Search engine marketing (SEM) is a digital marketing strategy used to increase the visibility of a website on search engine results pages (SERPs).
Search engine marketing is also alternately referred to as paid search or pay per click (PPC). With millions of businesses out there all vying for the same eyeballs, it’s never been more important to advertise online, and search engine marketing is the most effective way to promote your products and grow your business.

Search engine marketing, or SEM, is one of the most effective ways to grow your business in an increasingly competitive marketplace.
SEM, or, search engine marketing, is a highly effective way to increase your ranking on search engines like Google, and attract qualified traffic to your website. Investing in SEM is a great way for you to grow brand awareness and increase sales.
SEM marketing is the practice of gaining traffic and visibility from search engine results pages (or SERPs) using both paid and unpaid efforts. It’s when advertisers bid on keywords that users might search for on sites such as Google and Bing. You could bid on keywords related to your business’s services or products so that your ads would pop up for those search queries. These ads are called pay-per-click (PPC) ads and come in many forms.
SEM, or search engine marketing, is the act of using paid strategies to increase search visibility. In the past, search engine marketing was a term used to describe both search engine optimization (SEO) and paid search. But now, it almost always refers only to paid search marketing.
How SEM works
Search engines use complicated algorithms to ensure the most relevant results are returned for each search, including location and other available information.
In paid search advertising, sponsored ads appear at the top of and on the side of search engine results pages to gain more visibility and prominence than the organic results.
Let’s say that you are a customer looking for a product or service online. You go to a search engine and type in your search terms (also known as keywords).
In your search results page, you will come across various company ads whose keywords match the keywords in your search.
These ads appear in prominent locations on the page – along with the other search listings that match your keywords. The paid listings are highly relevant to your specific search, making it likely that you will click on them.
Now let’s take a look at how SEM campaigns work from the marketer’s perspective.
SEM networks are self-serve operations. Once a marketer selects a network, they can get a campaign up within a short period of time.
When setting up a campaign within an SEM network, the marketer is prompted to:
- Conduct keyword research and select a set of keywords related to their website or product
- Create a text-based ad to display in the search results
- Bid on a price they are willing to pay for each click on their ad
Text-only ads are easy to produce. Marketers enter a headline, text for the body of the ad, a call-to-action and a URL for the hyperlink.
Top 10 Benefits Of Search Engine Marketing – SEM

Increase Brand Awareness
Google Search Ads allow advertisers to expose their brand name either in the ad’s headlines, description, display URL or extension links. Therefore, these paid search ads contribute to high brand awareness especially that they often appear on top of Google search results.

Quick and Easy to Manage
With platforms like Google Ads, the process of managing your ads on search engines is made extremely easy. All the viable options are displayed in a user-friendly manner. You can simply run or stop your campaign at any time.

Specifying your budget and performance goals is also very easy. There are options to schedule your campaigns in case you are managing many campaigns at once. All you have to do is dedicate some time in the beginning to understand the platform in detail. Here’s an Online Google Ads course led by industry experts to break it down for you.
Bring highly qualified traffic to your page.
One of the bases of any digital marketing strategy is to attract the right users to your landing pages. Search engine marketing is very effective in attracting users’ attention and generating clicks by allowing users to filter based on the words they seek. This ensures that your traffic is made up of people who are potentially interested in your brand
Can Target Ads Based on Location
Another big plus associated with SEM is that you can set up your ads to only target people near the vicinity of your business. This helps you filter out searchers who are too far from your location.

It also helps connect you with people in your area. Local audiences are eager to find businesses in their area. Maybe that’s why search results for ‘near me’ and ‘where to buy’ queries have grown by 200% on Google over the past two years.
Manage Ads Easily
Paid search ads are easily managed. Since Google Ads allows you to set up a schedule for each of your marketing campaigns, you can run and stop your ads at any time you want. It is also easy to set up a budget and identify the performance speed of your marketing campaigns. This can help you augment your ads and bring more traffic to your business easily.
More Leads
With more website traffic, you’ll also generate more leads for your business. This particular benefit can help you generate more website sales.
When you do generate leads from your SEM campaigns, you want to make sure that you have a place for your leads to go. In other words, after they become a lead, you want to ensure that they are part of your email campaign.

The goal is to warm up your leads, so they are eventually ready to buy. You can also schedule a call with your leads in order to convert a sale.
The important thing to remember is that SEM is great for leads, but it’s equally important that you know what to do with your leads.
SEM is Great for Local Marketing
SEM is an important tool for driving website visits and getting more conversions on almost any budget – it’s even more important if you’re a local marketer though! Local marketing aims to connect regional businesses with the surrounding community that it services. In other words, when people search online for local business services, like “dry cleaner near me” or “food delivery in Montreal,” it’s local marketers who make those queries connect with business listings and ads in search engines.
Google released an advertising package called Local 3-Pack in 2016, which gives local ads the top 3 positions in search results for location-based search terms like city or region names or phrases like “near me.”
It’s affordable and fast
The most important thing about SEM is that absolutely EVERY onsite action related to your campaign can be measured (actions such as users filling out a form, downloading a PDF, making a purchase on your site, etc.). This means you can examine in detail what works and what doesn’t work and optimise budgets and campaigns in response to real business goals.
In addition, there is no minimum investment. So every business can plan their campaign strategy according to how much budget they have at their disposal.
Increase Traffic Through Ad Visibility
Optimized Search Ads can drive relevant traffic to your website since they appear on top of the Search Engine Result Page – SERP, above the organic results. With the right advertising budget, optimized bidding and appealing ad message, you can increase the quality of your ads and therefore ensure high ads visibility and relevant website visits.
Target Audiences Through Keyword Match Types
Google’s keywords planner tool helps you determine the most popular keywords used to search for your business. By using these specific keywords in your campaigns, you can make sure that your ads reach the right audience. Google ads offer you multiple keywords matching types i.e. broad match, exact match, etc. based on which your ads will be served to users.
Boost Traffic
If you bid for the right keywords and set an optimum budget, then your ads will be shown to an audience actively looking for your product/service type. Even if the consumer is in the research stage, your ad will be shown before the organic results.

Thus, this attracts relevant traffic to your website. Tools like Keyword Planner, Semrush, Spyfu, Wordstream, etc help you find out search queries coming in for your website, and thus you can target those. You can also check google trends for reports and data. This ensures high + relevant traffic.